Athletics Philosophy
Mrs. Becky Hensel
Director of Athletics
“Let us take one day only in hands at a time. Resolve to do good today and better tomorrow.”
-Catherine McAuley
The Athletic Department at Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School believes that our athletic program is an educational activity that contributes to the physical, personal, social, and spiritual growth of each student-athlete.This helps to develop the student-athlete's unique talents and abilities to become a competent and compassionate Christian woman.
The objective of all athletic teams at Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School is one of improving the level of play of both teams and individuals. Participation in sports provides a learning environment, a way of life which exemplifies the philosophy that hard work, discipline, drive, and determination bring eventual success. "Winning at all cost" is not our goal! Winning and losing with class and dignity are of equal importance to the concept of "the team." Good sportsmanship, through both victory and defeat and the concept of self-discipline and self-esteem are inherent to the philosophy of our department. Our coaches, athletes, parents, and spectators are counted upon to act as representatives of our school and thus are expected to be positive role models. Participation in school sponsored sports teams is a privilege, not a right. To earn that privilege, student-athletes must abide by the established team rules and conduct themselves on and off the field/court as positive role models who exemplify good character at all times.